The Studios of Cocoa Beach Presents Two Distinct Artists: Nikki Day’s “The Next 40 Years” & “Around Town” by Iris Beate Struller
Nikkie Day, as a budding artist, had to paint in the shadows. Growing up she had different ideas than what she was raised to believe. As she traveled the world, she stole glances of various cultures in third world countries ultimately encouraging her artistic tastes, “like the blood nourishes the body.” “When you see my art, I want you to feel the emotion behind the paintbrush. See beyond the rose-colored glasses and taste the fire and passion from within. This exhibition is like removing layers of an onion. The first 50 is a blueprint that was not my own. The exhibition, “The next 40 Years” is removing the mask and revealing my true colors.”
Her exhibit, “Around Town” features local vignettes of activity on water and land. Iris’ favorite subject matter is Life, as she captures scenes that take place all around us. Iris has participated and received awards in various juried regional art shows throughout central Florida and was chosen to be the commemorative poster artist for the Melbourne Art Festival in April 2022.