Brevard Chorale: Music of the Theater Concert
Justin Walker and the 50 mixed voices of the Brevard Chorale will welcome spring with a tip of the hat to the stage, when they present Music of the Theater in two Brevard concerts. On Monday, May 1, the group will perform Music of the Theater at the Simpkins Fine Arts Auditorium at Eastern Florida State College, 1519 Clearlake Road in Cocoa at 7:30 PM. Admission at the door is $10 for adults and seniors; $5 for students. During Music of the Theater, the audience can expect to hear songs from some of Broadway’s greatest hit shows. The concert will feature medleys of favorites from The Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, and Les Miserables, along with “Seasons of Love” from Rent, “Seize the Day” from Newsies and “Almighty Father” from Leonard Bernstein’s Mass. A collection of choral pieces from Disney’s Frozen rounds out the spring program. On Wednesday, May 3, the Chorale will reprise Music of the Theater at 7:00 PM in Titusville at The Great Outdoors RV-Nature & Golf Resort. The Titusville concert is free of charge and will be held at the resort’s Community Church at 144 Plantation Drive. Donations are welcome. Pianist Jean Black will accompany the Chorale during both concerts. For more information about the Brevard Chorale or the Music of the Theater, visit BrevardChorale.org or call (321) 794-7528.