Film: Ghost in the Graveyard

Surfside Players presents…

October 27, 2023 | 8:00pm

The town of Mt. Moriah comes under the thumb of Martha, a ghost who comes back to haunt the teens, who witnessed her death as children, during a “game” of ‘Ghost in the Graveyard.’

After witnessing the death of a playmate as a child, Sally Sullivan returns home only to discover that her childhood home is under the influence of a dark spirit that may or may not be connected to the child she saw die years prior…

Charlie Comparetto is an award winning writer and filmmaker. He has produced, written, and directed on various films including RUB (2023), The Brawler (2019), The Winemaker’s Son(2023) and Ghost in the Graveyard (2019). Ghost and the Graveyard premiered at the Chineses Theater at Dances with Films in 2019, was a finalist at the Rocky Mountain International Film Festival, won Gold at the NYC Indie Film Festival, and took Best Director and Best Feature at the Peekskill Film Festival in NY the same year. Additionally, the screenplay was a finalist at “Table Read My Screenplay”. It premiered to theatres in Vietnam shortly after and currently can be seen on various and many streaming services. His books include “Ghost in the Graveyard and other Short Stories” and “Ghost in the Graveyard 1,2,3”. His production company, Cellar Door Films is currently developing several features and long series and provides services in all facets including production, acquisition, distribution and sales.


Oct 27 2023


8:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Surfside Playhouse
301 Ramp Road


Surfside Players
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