Floridian Flora & Fauna, Artwork by Pete Steenland
Pete Steenland holds his fourth exhibit with the Studios of Cocoa Beach this April. His work is typically defined by his love of nature, and it is evident he has an acute appreciation for the intricacy within all living things. Since his early childhood, he has been inspired by nature’s intense beauty even in the smallest plants including weeds and marine diatoms, on into the magnificence of the greatest of subjects.
In fact, Pete holds an AA degree in Art and Biology, and a BA from University of West Florida in Studio Art with an emphasis in Marine Sciences with special focus in Scientific Illustration of marine and aquatic organisms. In addition to Pete’s educational background, he spent thirty-two years working on the seas as a licensed Merchant Marine Captain and as a Master of Vessels up to 3000 gross tons for Freight and Towing.
In this new series, Pete departs from ocean images and delves hip deep into the everglades (literally). His new work is a part of a larger expanding project emphasizing abstraction of his aesthetically realistic style, a process that continues to evolve and is evident in his past works. He most often creates large images and uses any combination of watercolor, gesso, oils, acrylics, Conte-crayon, India ink and any other unexpected media he may decide to play with.
To help manage Pete’s art business, Donna Steenland, Pete’s wife, plays a major role. The two of them “share in a unified fellowship of Art” dedicating their energies to “sharing the many ways of reflecting the wonderful aspects of God’s unlimited Grace” with others ultimately resulting in Pete’s art that vibrates with love for life, love for nature and love for God.
Exhibition will be from April 1 to April 28, 2024 with the Reception on April 5, 2024 starting at 6:00 p.m.