Green Gables Festival of Trees
December 16-18, 2022
Let us take you back in time to an old-fashioned Victorian Christmas at Green Gables.
Come for a tour and refreshments for a $15 donation per person. Stroll our grounds and see our 14 foot Christmas Tree and themed trees in our Festival of Trees by the Indian River Lagoon. All proceeds benefit the restoration of our 1896 Queen Anne style home which is a Living History Museum and Education and Community Center in Melbourne, FL.
No appointment necessary.
Plan a free visit to view the Festival of Trees on the Indian River Lagoon. Each tree will be decorated by a Green Gables volunteer for the sponsor. A prize for the loveliest and/or unique tree will be awarded. Visitors – Register to win prizes from the sponsors.
Location: Green Gables, 1501 S. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901