3-Day Watercolor Workshop with Joel R. Johnson
“The Use of Transparent Pigments in Watercolor Painting”
Joel R. Johnson has an MFA in painting and is a signature member of NWS, TWSA and the Florida Watercolor Society. This workshop will focus on the understanding of various transparent pigments to create appropriate color in a watercolor painting and create complex layers that capture the nuances of light. His workshop is aimed at students with a working knowledge of watercolors. Properties of pigments will be explored including staining, non-staining, and sediment and their application in creating a transparent painting. Mixing approaches will be emphasized such as: wet into wet on paper, combining colors on the palette, and layering or glazing
techniques. Instructor will demonstrate painting approaches along with providing the necessary selected images for students to paint.
Individual and group critiques will aid students in their efforts to achieve a level of success.
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Member & Non-Member Rates Available!