Next Level Drawing with Dave Jones
The Studios of Cocoa Beach, 165 Minutemen Causeway in downtown Cocoa Beach continues drawing classes with Dave Jones. “Next Level Drawing” meets for four Thursdays from 6 to 7:30 pm, January 4, 11, 18,and 25, 2024
This course explores more tools and techniques of drawing, including portrait drawing, drawing with charcoal, drawing in large format, abstract drawing, and quick studies!
Instructor Dave Jones with equal passions for jazz and modern art. He plays the saxophone and is an accomplished composer. He has been drawing and painting since he was 12. “I love abstract art because when it’s good it can put the viewer in touch with who they are, beyond language, culture, psychology, history or personality.” Infuenced by Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, Willem de Kooning, Mark Rothko, Cy Twombly and Richard Gayton (his drawing teacher at The California
College of Arts and Crafts), Dave says “My drive is for new and dynamic color interaction; an active, energetic composition; and some compelling quality that keeps the painting alive and engaging even after many years”
In addition to creating and selling his art, Dave teaches traditional drawing, painting and color theory for young and old, both in his studio and in public venues. He’s
taught at risk youth and public school teachers. Complete course curriculum and current offerings are on his website: https://davejonesart.com/lessons.
Fee for the four sessions is $120. A $10 model fee will be paid in class. Register at www.studiosofcocoabeach.org. A supply list will be emailed upon registration. For details contact Dave at dj@davejonesart.com.