Watercolor Workshop at Studios of Cocoa Beach
Jan Bryant continues her popular watercolor classes at the Studios of Cocoa Beach. A four session workshop will meet on Tuesdays from 1 to 3 pm beginning November 8 and continuing November 15, 22, 29. Make up dates are available.
Students will work on their own painting, developing the painting with various techniques and critiques. More than one painting may be worked on during the four sessions. Students must supply ALL their own materials and a picture or combination of pictures to be the subject of the paintings. Jan will work with each student to develop their own particular skills and artistic approach. Participants needing supplies should contact Jan at jbryant5@cfl.rr.com before class in order to determine needs and related costs.
Jan Bryant is an award winning artist with many one man shows to her credit. She works in watercolors, acrylics, ink and pastels. She has taught at the college level in Kentucky and Ohio and locally at Central Brevard Art Association. She loves teaching and sharing her expertise with everyone. n. If you have been waiting to explore watercolor painting, here is your chance to work with a great teacher.
Fee for the workshop is $120. Register for class at the Studios website: www.studiosofcocoabeach.org. The Studios’ workshop room is behind the gallery at 159 Minutemen Causeway in downtown Cocoa Beach. Their gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday 9 am to 7 pm and Sundays 10 am to 3 pm. For more information on the gallery, artist profiles, and upcoming classes visit the website or follow the Studios on Facebook and Instagram.