Angela Essing

Acrylic | Clay / Porcelain | Digital Art


Email Member


Often joyfully described as wearing rose colored glasses, Angela hopes to share her colorful view of the world through her painting, pottery and photography. She includes playful observational humor, juxtaposition and exaggeration of size whenever possible because life is BIG and VIBRANT. Historically, her art has represented her location on earth’s surface and all the fabulous places she has been able to sojourn around. She has been a Space Coast resident for the past 6 years and loves representing her emersion into this tropical paradise.

Angela graduated from the College of Design at Iowa State University. Her pieces have been featured in the Neville Public Museum in Green Bay, WI, many juried exhibits and sold abroad to admiring expatriates. She hopes that your feel-good neurotransmitters are activated by one of her creations.

Angela is also an army wife by love, an economic land use designer by profession and an outdoor sports devotee for physical and emotional health.